少儿英语启蒙课 生津树入门至高阶 百度网盘分享下载

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少儿英语英语启蒙课程,VIP会员可通过网盘转存下载或者在线播放。本课程共14.9G,包含MP4/MP3/PDF文件,此少儿英语启蒙课 生津树入门至高阶课程由58映像学堂网站收集整理。



| ├──001【发刊词】童老师和你聊聊《牛津阅读树》.m4a 2.93M

| ├──002【正课】What a Mess!-双语讲解.mp4 69.76M

| ├──003【磨耳朵】What a Mess!-绘本有声剧.mp4 2.43M

| ├──004【经验分享】Rainbow妈妈:学英语从听故事开始.m4a 673.66kb

| ├──005【经验分享】吉哥妈妈:牛津树带孩子进入故事开口说英语.m4a 737.90kb

| ├──006【正课】Who Did That-双语讲解.mp4 48.91M

| ├──007【磨耳朵】Who Did That-绘本有声剧.mp4 2.14M

| ├──008【正课】Goal!-双语讲解.mp4 67.43M

| ├──009【磨耳朵】Goal!-绘本有声剧.mp4 2.32M

| ├──010【正课】.mp4 69.08M

| ├──011【磨耳朵】The Journey-绘本有声剧.mp4 2.24M

| ├──012 【正课】Making Faces 双语讲解.mp4 61.84M

| ├──013【磨耳朵】Making Faces-绘本有声剧.mp4 1.39M

| ├──014-shopping.mp4 60.10M

| ├──015【磨耳朵】Shopping-绘本有声剧.mp4 2.11M

| ├──016【正课】Go Away, Cat-双语讲解.mp4 56.82M

| ├──017【磨耳朵】Go Away, Cat-绘本有声剧.mp4 2.06M

| ├──018【正课】Top Dog-双语讲解.mp4 56.15M

| ├──019【磨耳朵】Top Dog-绘本有声剧.mp4 2.01M

| ├──020【正课】The Go-Kart.mp4 54.70M

| ├──021【正课】The Go-Kart.mp4 46.67M

| ├──022【磨耳朵】The Go-Kart.mp4 1.26M

| ├──023【磨耳朵】.mp4 1.26M

| ├──024【正课】A New Dog-1.mp4 64.25M

| ├──025【正课】A New Dog.mp4 51.27M

| ├──026【磨耳朵】A New Dog.mp4 1.79M

| ├──027【磨耳朵】A New Dog.mp4 1.90M

| ├──028【正课】New Trainers.mp4 65.39M

| ├──029【正课】New Trainers.mp4 52.05M

| ├──030【磨耳朵】New Trainers.mp4 1.67M

| ├──031【磨耳朵】New Trainers.mp4 1.31M

| ├──032【正课】The Dreams.mp4 60.68M

| ├──033【正课】The Dreams.mp4 54.07M

| ├──034【磨耳朵】The Dreams.mp4 1.65M

| ├──035【磨耳朵】The Dreams.mp4 1.85M

| ├──036【正课】The Toy’s Party.mp4 62.41M

| ├──037【正课】The Toy’s Party.mp4 60.35M

| ├──038【磨耳朵】The Toy’s Party.mp4 1.69M

| ├──039【磨耳朵】The Toy’s Party.mp4 2.26M

| ├──040【正课】What a Bad Dog!.mp4 54.02M

| ├──041【正课】What a Bad Dog!.mp4 45.77M

| ├──042【磨耳朵】What a Bad Dog!.mp4 1.61M

| ├──043【磨耳朵】What a Bad Dog!.mp4 2.17M

| ├──044【正课】The Hole in the Sand.mp4 59.84M

| ├──045【正课】.mp4 63.12M

| ├──046【磨耳朵】.mp4 2.98M

| ├──047【磨耳朵】The Hole in the Sand.mp4 2.84M

| ├──048【正课】In a Bit.mp4 60.01M

| ├──049【正课】In a Bit.mp4 42.72M

| ├──050【磨耳朵】In a Bit.mp4 2.60M

| ├──051【磨耳朵】In a Bit.mp4 2.06M

| ├──052【正课】Poor Floppy、.mp4 61.85M

| ├──053【正课】Poor Floppy.mp4 58.97M

| ├──054【磨耳朵】Poor Floppy.mp4 3.20M

| ├──055【磨耳朵】Poor Floppy.mp4 2.40M

| ├──056【正课】A Present For Mum.mp4 59.79M

| ├──057【正课】A Present For Mum.mp4 54.19M

| ├──058【磨耳朵】A Present For Mum.mp4 2.00M

| ├──059【磨耳朵】A Present For Mum (2)绘本有声剧.mp4 2.96M

| ├──060【正课】Put it Back.mp4 51.60M

| ├──061【正课】Put it Back.mp4 57.80M

| ├──062【磨耳朵】Put it Back.mp4 2.65M

| ├──063【磨耳朵】Put it Back.mp4 2.87M

| ├──064【正课】The Big Egg.mp4 65.37M

| ├──065【正课】The Big Egg.mp4 52.40M

| ├──066【磨耳朵】The Big Egg.mp4 1.97M

| ├──067【磨耳朵】The Big Egg.mp4 1.88M

| ├──068【正课】The Baby-sitter.mp4 64.50M

| ├──069【正课】The Baby-sitter.mp4 59.79M

| ├──070【磨耳朵】The Baby-sitter.mp4 2.09M

| ├──071【磨耳朵】The Baby-sitter.mp4 2.52M

| ├──072-.mp4 58.17M

| ├──073-floppy’s bath(2).mp4 62.33M

| ├──074【磨耳朵】Floppy’s Bath.mp4 1.78M

| ├──075【磨耳朵】Floppy’s Bath.mp4 2.43M

| ├──076【正课】Kipper’s Balloon.mp4 55.41M

| ├──077【正课】Kipper’s Balloon.mp4 53.03M

| ├──078【磨耳朵】Kipper’s Balloon.mp4 2.19M

| ├──079【磨耳朵】Kipper’s Balloon.mp4 2.03M

| ├──080【正课】Kipper’s Birthday.mp4 71.58M

| ├──081【正课】Kipper’s Birthday.mp4 60.47M

| ├──082【磨耳朵】Kipper’s Birthday.mp4 3.02M

| ├──083【磨耳朵】Kipper’s Birthday.mp4 2.11M

| ├──084【正课】Spots.mp4 62.87M

| ├──085【正课】Spots.mp4 60.07M

| ├──086【磨耳朵】Spots.mp4 2.12M

| ├──087【磨耳朵】Spots.mp4 2.13M

| ├──088【正课】The Water Fight.mp4 60.55M

| ├──089【正课】The Water Fight.mp4 61.30M

| ├──090【磨耳朵】The Water Fight.mp4 2.14M

| ├──091【磨耳朵】The Water Fight.mp4 2.54M

| ├──092【正课】Biff’s Aeroplane.mp4 71.73M

| ├──093【正课】Biff’s Aeroplane.mp4 47.71M

| ├──094【磨耳朵】Biff’s Aeroplane.mp4 2.91M

| ├──095【磨耳朵】Biff’s Aeroplane.mp4 2.36M

| ├──096【正课】The Chase.mp4 59.01M

| ├──097【正课】The Chase.mp4 51.33M

| ├──098【磨耳朵】The Chase.mp4 3.01M

| ├──099【磨耳朵】The Chase.mp4 2.76M

| ├──100【正课】Floppy the Hero.mp4 67.20M

| ├──201【磨耳朵】A Cat in the Tree.mp4 2.54M

| ├──202【磨耳朵】A Cat in the Tree.mp4 2.46M

| ├──203【正课】The Snowman.mp4 73.06M

| ├──204【正课】The Snowman.mp4 63.15M

| ├──205【磨耳朵】The Snowman.mp4 2.22M

| ├──206【磨耳朵】The Snowman.mp4 1.95M

| ├──207【正课】The Carnival.mp4 72.53M

| ├──208【正课】The Carnival.mp4 74.44M

| ├──209【磨耳朵】The Carnival.mp4 2.17M

| ├──210【磨耳朵】The Carnival.mp4 2.29M

| ├──211【正课】At the Seaside.mp4 75.82M

| ├──212【正课】At the Seaside.mp4 73.21M

| ├──213【磨耳朵】At the Seaside.mp4 2.44M

| ├──214【磨耳朵】At the Seaside.mp4 1.89M

| ├──215【正课】The Cold Day.mp4 67.34M

| ├──216【正课】The Cold Day.mp4 64.17M

| ├──217【磨耳朵】The Cold Day.mp4 2.24M

| ├──218【磨耳朵】The Cold Day.mp4 2.16M

| ├──219 【正课】Strawberry Jam.mp4 63.85M

| ├──220 【正课】Strawberry Jam.mp4 59.83M

| ├──221 【磨耳朵】Strawberry Jam.mp4 1.94M

| ├──222 【磨耳朵】Strawberry Jam.mp4 1.77M

| ├──223 【正课】On the Sand.mp4 73.65M

| ├──224 【正课】On the Sand.mp4 59.93M

| ├──225 【磨耳朵】On the Sand.mp4 2.70M

| ├──226 【磨耳朵】On the Sand.mp4 1.75M

| ├──227 【直播回听】如何正确开启孩子的英语启蒙.m4a 37.55M

| ├──228 【正课】Kipper’s Idea.mp4 66.19M

| ├──229 【正课】Kipper’s Idea.mp4 66.96M

| ├──230 【磨耳朵】Kipper’s Idea.mp4 2.20M

| ├──231 【磨耳朵】Kipper’s Idea.mp4 1.94M

| ├──232 【正课】Bull’s-eye!.mp4 59.04M

| ├──233 【正课】Bull’s-eye!.mp4 64.22M

| ├──234 【磨耳朵】Bull’s-eye!.mp4 1.94M

| ├──235 【磨耳朵】Bull’s-eye!.mp4 2.21M

| ├──236 【正课】Book Week.mp4 84.10M

| ├──237 【正课】Book Week.mp4 71.57M

| ├──238 【磨耳朵】Book Week.mp4 1.55M

| ├──239 【磨耳朵】Book Week.mp4 2.06M

| ├──240 【正课】At the Pool.mp4 69.37M

| ├──241 【正课】At the Pool.mp4 69.28M

| ├──242 【磨耳朵】At the Pool.mp4 2.17M

| ├──243 【磨耳朵】At the Pool.mp4 2.33M

| ├──244 【正课】By the Stream.mp4 67.40M

| ├──245 【正课】By the Stream.mp4 64.28M

| ├──246 【磨耳朵】By the Stream.mp4 2.36M

| ├──247 【磨耳朵】By the Stream.mp4 1.93M

| ├──248 【正课】The Rope Swing.mp4 66.64M

| ├──249 【正课】The Rope Swing.mp4 62.54M

| ├──250 【磨耳朵】The Rope Swing.mp4 2.23M

| ├──252【正课】The Barbecue.mp4 78.09M

| ├──253 【磨耳朵】The Barbecue.mp4 2.66M

| ├──254【磨耳朵】The Barbecue.mp4 1.89M

| ├──255 【磨耳朵】The Barbecue.mp4 1.89M

| ├──256 【正课】Nobody Wanted to Play.mp4 70.02M

| ├──258 【磨耳朵】Nobody Wanted to Play.mp4 2.28M

| ├──259 【磨耳朵】Nobody Wanted to Play.mp4 2.70M

| ├──260 【正课】The Jumble Sale.mp4 76.86M

| ├──261 【正课】The Jumble Sale.mp4 55.27M

| ├──262 【磨耳朵】The Jumble Sale.mp4 2.50M

| ├──263 【磨耳朵】The Jumble Sale.mp4 1.62M

| ├──264 【正课】Kipper the Clown.mp4 83.10M

| ├──265 【正课】Kipper the Clown.mp4 77.00M

| ├──266 【磨耳朵】Kipper the Clown.mp4 1.90M

| ├──267 【磨耳朵】Kipper the Clown.mp4 2.15M

| ├──268 【正课】The Egg Hunt.mp4 73.04M

| ├──269 【正课】The Egg Hunt.mp4 61.85M

| ├──271 【磨耳朵】The Egg Hunt.mp4 2.18M

| ├──272 【正课】Noboday Got Wet.mp4 76.78M

| ├──273 【正课】Noboday Got Wet.mp4 55.00M

| ├──274 【磨耳朵】Nobody Got Wet.mp4 2.40M

| ├──276 【正课】Poor Old Mum.mp4 59.77M

| ├──277 【正课】Poor Old Mum.mp4 56.62M

| ├──278 【磨耳朵】Poor Old Mum.mp4 2.96M

| ├──279 【磨耳朵】Poor Old Mum.mp4 2.21M

| ├──280 【正课】The Weather Vane.mp4 69.23M

| ├──281 【磨耳朵】The Weather Vane.mp4 2.73M

| ├──282 【磨耳朵】The Weather Vane.mp4 2.37M

| ├──284 【正课】House for Sale.mp4 70.59M

| ├──285【正课】House for Sale (1) 双语讲解.mp4 31.90M

| ├──286 【磨耳朵】House for Sale.mp4 2.08M

| ├──287 【磨耳朵】House for Sale.mp4 3.10M

| ├──288 【正课】The New House.mp4 79.54M

| ├──289 【正课】The New House.mp4 79.48M

| ├──290 【磨耳朵】The New House.mp4 2.62M

| ├──291 【磨耳朵】The New House.mp4 2.62M

| ├──292【正课】Come In! (1) 双语讲解.mp4 60.99M

| ├──293【正课】Come In! (2) 双语讲解.mp4 60.87M

| ├──294【磨耳朵】Come In! (1) .mp4 3.00M

| ├──295【磨耳朵】Come In! (2) .mp4 2.41M

| ├──296【正课】The Flying Elephant (1) 双语讲解.mp4 69.72M

| ├──297【正课】The Flying Elephant (2) 双语讲解.mp4 72.71M

| ├──298【磨耳朵】The Flying Elephaht (1) .mp4 4.49M

| ├──299【磨耳朵】The Flying Elephaht (2) .mp4 3.64M

| ├──300【正课】Swap! (1) 双语讲解.mp4 73.99M

| ├──301【正课】Swap! (2) 双语讲解.mp4 54.65M

| ├──302【磨耳朵】Swap! (1) .mp4 3.42M

| ├──303【磨耳朵】Swap! (2) .mp4 2.62M

| ├──304【正课】Wet Paint (1) 双语讲解.mp4 72.86M

| ├──305【正课】Wet Paint (2) 双语讲解.mp4 71.21M

| ├──306【磨耳朵】Wet Paint (1) .mp4 3.14M

| ├──307【磨耳朵】Wet Paint (2).mp4 3.23M

| ├──308【正课】Dad’s Jacket (1) 双语讲解.mp4 79.01M

| ├──309【正课】Dad’s Jacket (2) 双语讲解.mp4 71.94M

| ├──310【磨耳朵】Dad’s Jacket (1) .mp4 2.91M

| ├──311【磨耳朵】Dad’s Jacket (2) .mp4 3.60M

| ├──312【正课】Stuck in the Mud (1) 双语讲解.mp4 75.95M

| ├──313【正课】Stuck in the Mud (2) 双语讲解.mp4 73.68M

| ├──314【磨耳朵】Stuck in the Mud (1) .mp4 3.37M

| ├──315【磨耳朵】Stuck in the Mud (2) .mp4 2.60M

| ├──316【正课】The Den (1) 双语讲解.mp4 82.73M

| ├──317【正课】The Den (2) 双语讲解.mp4 72.55M

| ├──318【磨耳朵】The Den (1) .mp4 2.77M

| ├──319【磨耳朵】The Den (2) .mp4 3.53M

| ├──320【正课】The Secret Room (1) 双语讲解.mp4 88.15M

| ├──321【正课】The Secret Room (2) 双语讲解.mp4 65.30M

| ├──322【正课】The Secret Room (3) 双语讲解.mp4 63.92M

| ├──323【磨耳朵】The Secret Room (1) .mp4 4.40M

| ├──324【磨耳朵】The Secret Room (2) .mp4 3.69M

| ├──325【磨耳朵】The Secret Room (3) .mp4 3.99M

| ├──326【正课】The Camcorder (1) 双语讲解.mp4 66.73M

| ├──327【正课】The Camcorder (2) 双语讲解.mp4 69.10M

| ├──328【正课】The Camcorder (3) 双语讲解.mp4 60.57M

| ├──329【磨耳朵】The Camcorder (1) .mp4 3.13M

| ├──330【磨耳朵】The Camcorder (2) .mp4 3.40M

| ├──331【磨耳朵】The Camcorder (3) .mp4 2.32M

| ├──332【正课】The Storm (1) 双语讲解.mp4 80.51M

| ├──333【正课】The Storm (2) 双语讲解.mp4 56.53M

| ├──334【正课】The Storm (3) 双语讲解.mp4 69.42M

| ├──335【磨耳朵】The Storm (1) .mp4 4.45M

| ├──336【磨耳朵】The Storm (2) .mp4 3.49M

| ├──337【磨耳朵】The Storm (3) .mp4 3.56M

| ├──338【正课】The Balloon (1) 双语讲解.mp4 80.56M

| ├──339【正课】The Balloon (2) 双语讲解.mp4 68.41M

| ├──340【正课】The Balloon (3) 双语讲解.mp4 65.51M

| ├──341【磨耳朵】The Balloon (1) .mp4 3.59M

| ├──342【磨耳朵】The Balloon (2) .mp4 3.06M

| ├──343【磨耳朵】The Balloon (3) .mp4 3.08M

| ├──344【正课】The Play (1) 双语讲解.mp4 88.52M

| ├──345【正课】The Play (2) 双语讲解.mp4 77.53M

| ├──346【正课】The Play (3) 双语讲解.mp4 66.35M

| ├──347【磨耳朵】The Play (1) .mp4 3.70M

| ├──348【磨耳朵】The Play (2) .mp4 3.64M

| ├──349【磨耳朵】The Play (3) .mp4 3.39M

| ├──350【正课】The Wedding (1) 双语讲解.mp4 106.24M

| ├──351【正课】The Wedding (2) 双语讲解.mp4 73.19M

| ├──352【正课】The Wedding (3) 双语讲解.mp4 77.53M

| ├──353【磨耳朵】The Wedding (1).mp4 4.06M

| ├──354【磨耳朵】The Wedding (2) .mp4 3.68M

| ├──355【磨耳朵】The Wedding (3).mp4 3.51M

| ├──356【正课】The Dragon Dance (1) 双语讲解.mp4 73.73M

| ├──357【正课】The Dragon Dance (2) 双语讲解.mp4 69.88M

| ├──358【正课】The Dragon Dance (3) 双语讲解.mp4 61.68M

| ├──359【磨耳朵】The Dragon Dance (1) .mp4 3.04M

| ├──360【磨耳朵】The Dragon Dance (2) .mp4 3.16M

| ├──361【磨耳朵】The Dragon Dance (3) .mp4 3.55M

| ├──362【正课】Everyone Got Wet (1) 双语讲解.mp4 90.14M

| ├──362【正课】Everyone Got Wet (1) 双语讲解_1.mp4 90.14M

| ├──363【正课】Everyone Got Wet (2) 双语讲解.mp4 79.05M

| ├──364【正课】Everyone Got Wet (3) 双语讲解.mp4 69.94M

| ├──365【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet (1) .mp4 3.63M

| ├──366【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet (1) .mp4 3.50M

| ├──367【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet (3) .mp4 3.63M

| ├──368【正课】The Scarf (1) 双语讲解.mp4 74.69M

| ├──369【正课】The Scarf (2) 双语讲解.mp4 78.88M

| ├──370【正课】The Scarf (3) 双语讲解.mp4 71.75M

| ├──371【磨耳朵】The Scarf (1) .mp4 3.64M

| ├──372【磨耳朵】The Scarf (2) .mp4 4.18M

| ├──373【磨耳朵】The Scarf (3) .mp4 3.36M

| ├──374【正课】An Important Case (1) 双语讲解.mp4 64.29M

| ├──375【正课】An Important Case (2) .mp4 62.00M

| ├──376【正课】An Important Case (3) 双语讲解.mp4 71.75M

| ├──377【磨耳朵】An Important Case (1) .mp4 2.76M

| ├──378【磨耳朵】An Important Case (1) .mp4 2.55M

| ├──379【磨耳朵】An Important Case (3) .mp4 2.92M

| ├──380【正课】Look Smart (1) 双语讲解.mp4 69.45M

| ├──381【正课】Look Smart (2) 双语讲解.mp4 80.17M

| ├──382【正课】Look Smart (3) 双语讲解.mp4 66.24M

| ├──383【磨耳朵】Look Smart (1).mp4 2.30M

| ├──384【磨耳朵】Look Smart (2) .mp4 3.72M

| ├──385【磨耳朵】Look Smart (3) .mp4 3.01M

| ├──386【正课】Tug of War (1) 双语讲解.mp4 66.69M

| ├──387【正课】Tug of War (2) 双语讲解.mp4 69.25M

| ├──388【正课】Tug of War (3) 双语讲解.mp4 54.40M

| ├──389【磨耳朵】Tug of War (1) .mp4 3.74M

| ├──390【磨耳朵】Tug of War (2) .mp4 2.99M

| ├──391【磨耳朵】Tug of War (3) .mp4 2.83M

| ├──392【正课】The Magic Key (1) 双语讲解.mp4 68.08M

| ├──393【正课】The Magic Key (2) 双语讲解.mp4 73.21M

| ├──394【正课】The Magic Key (3) 双语讲解.mp4 57.41M

| ├──395【磨耳朵】The Magic Key (1) .mp4 5.11M

| ├──396【磨耳朵】The Magic Key (2) .mp4 4.93M

| ├──397【磨耳朵】The Magic Key (3) .mp4 5.72M

| ├──398【正课】Pirate Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4 72.81M

| ├──399【正课】Pirate Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4 68.45M

| └──400【正课】Pirate Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4 90.16M


| ├──401 【磨耳朵】Pirate Adventure.mp4 18.47M

| ├──402 【磨耳朵】Pirate Adventure.mp4 24.99M

| ├──403 【磨耳朵】Pirate Adventure.mp4 22.12M

| ├──404 【正课】Gran (1) 双语讲解.mp4 71.84M

| ├──405 【正课】Gran (2) 双语讲解.mp4 99.72M

| ├──406 【正课】Gran (3) 双语讲解.mp4 58.48M

| ├──407 【磨耳朵】Gran (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 5.05M

| ├──408 【磨耳朵】Gran (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 5.32M

| ├──409 【磨耳朵】Gran (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.94M

| ├──410 【正课】The Dragon Tree (1) 双语讲解.mp4 77.72M

| ├──411 【正课】The Dragon Tree (2) 双语讲解.mp4 65.40M

| ├──412 【正课】The Dragon Tree (3) 双语讲解.mp4 68.27M

| ├──413 【磨耳朵】The Dragon Tree (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 5.21M

| ├──414 【磨耳朵】The Dragon Tree (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.86M

| ├──415 【磨耳朵】The Dragon Tree (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.21M

| ├──416 【正课】Castle Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4 69.16M

| ├──417 【正课】Castle Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4 65.20M

| ├──418 【正课】Castle Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4 69.18M

| ├──419 【磨耳朵】Castle Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.83M

| ├──420 【磨耳朵】Castle Adventure (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.85M

| ├──421 【磨耳朵】Castle Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 5.52M

| ├──422 【正课】Village in the Snow (1) 双语讲解.mp4 78.81M

| ├──423 【正课】Village in the Snow (2) 双语讲解.mp4 71.80M

| ├──424 【正课】Village in the Snow (3) 双语讲解.mp4 68.69M

| ├──425 【磨耳朵】Village in the Snow (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 5.08M

| ├──426 【磨耳朵】Village in the Snow (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 5.38M

| ├──427 【磨耳朵】Village in the Snow (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.72M

| ├──428 【正课】 It’s Not Fair (1) 双语讲解.mp4 69.91M

| ├──429 【正课】 It’s Not Fair (2) 双语讲解.mp4 57.37M

| ├──430 【正课】 It’s Not Fair (3) 双语讲解.mp4 58.88M

| ├──431 【磨耳朵】It’s Not Fair (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.98M

| ├──432 【磨耳朵】It’s Not Fair (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.44M

| ├──433 【磨耳朵】It’s Not Fair (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.56M

| ├──434 【正课】A Monster’s Mistakes (1) 双语讲解.mp4 74.33M

| ├──435 【正课】A Monster’s Mistakes (2) 双语讲解.mp4 79.84M

| ├──436 【正课】A Monster’s Mistakes (3) 双语讲解.mp4 68.06M

| ├──437 【磨耳朵】A Monster Mistake (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.76M

| ├──438 【磨耳朵】A Monster Mistake (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.54M

| ├──439 【磨耳朵】A Monster Mistake (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.48M

| ├──440 【正课】Everyone Got Wet (1) 双语讲解.mp4 88.38M

| ├──441 【正课】Everyone Got Wet (2) 双语讲解.mp4 77.29M

| ├──442 【正课】Everyone Got Wet (3) 双语讲解.mp4 69.78M

| ├──443 【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet(1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.46M

| ├──444 【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.39M

| ├──445 【磨耳朵】Everyone Got Wet(3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.37M

| ├──446 【正课】The Great Race(1)双语讲解.mp4 94.18M

| ├──447 【正课】The Great Race(2)双语讲解在线收听_少儿英语启蒙课 – 牛津树入门至高阶(551天登顶班)_喜马拉雅FM.mp4 75.03M

| ├──448 【正课】The Great Race(3)双语讲解在线收听_少儿英语启蒙课 – 牛津树入门至高阶(551天登顶班)_喜马拉雅FM.mp4 63.93M

| ├──449 【磨耳朵】The Great Race(1)绘本有声剧在线收听_少儿英语启蒙课 – 牛津树入门至高阶(551天登顶班)_喜马拉雅FM.mp4 4.20M

| ├──450 【磨耳朵】The Great Race(2)绘本有声剧在线收听_少儿英语启蒙课 – 牛津树入门至高阶(551天登顶班)_喜马拉雅FM.mp4 4.91M

| ├──451 【磨耳朵】The Great Race(3)绘本有声剧在线收听_少儿英语启蒙课 – 牛津树入门至高阶(551天登顶班)_喜马拉雅FM.mp4 4.26M

| ├──452 【正课】Underground Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4 75.92M

| ├──453 【正课】Underground Adventure(2) 双语讲解.mp4 58.50M

| ├──454 【正课】Underground Adventure(3) 双语讲解.mp4 69.41M

| ├──455 【磨耳朵】Underground Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.25M

| ├──456 【磨耳朵】Underground Adventure(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.49M

| ├──457 【磨耳朵】Underground Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.75M

| ├──458 【正课】Vanishing Cream (1) 双语讲解.mp4 82.35M

| ├──459 【正课】Vanishing Cream(2) 双语讲解.mp4 66.09M

| ├──460 【正课】Vanishing Cream(3) 双语讲解.mp4 62.70M

| ├──461 【磨耳朵】Vanishing Cream (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 4.54M

| ├──462 【磨耳朵】Vanishing Cream(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.33M

| ├──463 【磨耳朵】Vanishing Cream (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.32M

| ├──464 【正课】Camping Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4 79.38M

| ├──465 【正课】Camping Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4 67.79M

| ├──466 【正课】Camping Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4 70.01M

| ├──467 【磨耳朵】Camping Adventure(1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.92M

| ├──468 【磨耳朵】Camping Adventure(2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 11.92M

| ├──469 【磨耳朵】Camping Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 12.78M

| ├──470 【正课】Mum to the Rescue (1) 双语讲解.mp4 74.43M

| ├──471 【正课】Mum to the Rescue (2) 双语讲解.mp4 82.77M

| ├──472 【正课】Mum to the Rescue (3) 双语讲解.mp4 61.41M

| ├──473 【磨耳朵】Mum to the Rescue (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 14.79M

| ├──474 【磨耳朵】Mum to the Rescue (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 17.02M

| ├──475 【磨耳朵】Mum to the Rescue (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 3.97M

| ├──476 【正课】A New Classroom (1) 双语讲解.mp4 71.53M

| ├──477 【正课】A New Classroom (2) 双语讲解.mp4 74.22M

| ├──478 【正课】A New Classroom (3) 双语讲解.mp4 56.11M

| ├──479 【磨耳朵】A New Classroom (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 15.14M

| ├──480 【磨耳朵】A New Classroom (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 15.92M

| ├──481 【磨耳朵】A New Classroom (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 19.12M

| ├──482 【正课】Noah’s Ark Adventure (1) 双语讲解.mp4 89.93M

| ├──483 【正课】Noah’s Ark Adventure (2) 双语讲解.mp4 95.18M

| ├──484 【正课】Noah’s Ark Adventure (3) 双语讲解.mp4 77.71M

| ├──485 【磨耳朵】Noah’s Ark Adventure (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 16.33M

| ├──486 【磨耳朵】Noah’s Ark Adventure (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 17.28M

| ├──487 【磨耳朵】Noah’s Ark Adventure (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 17.52M

| ├──488 【正课】Scarecrows (1) 双语讲解.mp4 66.94M

| ├──489 【正课】Scarecrows (2) 双语讲解.mp4 62.73M

| ├──490 【正课】Scarecrows (3) 双语讲解.mp4 69.04M

| ├──491.mp4 14.08M

| ├──492 【磨耳朵】Scarecrows (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 14.54M

| ├──493 【磨耳朵】Scarecrows (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 15.89M

| ├──494 【正课】The New Baby (1) 双语讲解.mp4 72.14M

| ├──495 【正课】The New Baby (2) 双语讲解.mp4 74.21M

| ├──496 【正课】The New Baby (3) 双语讲解.mp4 76.15M

| ├──497 【磨耳朵】The New Baby (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 25.15M

| ├──498 【磨耳朵】The New Baby (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 19.50M

| ├──499 【磨耳朵】The New Baby (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 20.90M

| ├──500 【正课】The Adventure Park (1) 双语讲解.mp4 84.72M

| ├──501 【正课】The Adventure Park (2) 双语讲解.mp4 76.59M

| ├──502 【正课】The Adventure Park (3) 双语讲解.mp4 76.54M

| ├──503 【磨耳朵】The Adventure Park (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 20.40M

| ├──504 【磨耳朵】The Adventure Park (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 20.47M

| ├──505 【磨耳朵】The Adventure Park (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 17.02M

| ├──506 【正课】Dad’s Run (1) 双语讲解.mp4 80.29M

| ├──507 【正课】Dad’s Run (2) 双语讲解.mp4 68.75M

| ├──508 【正课】Dad’s Run (3) 双语讲解.mp4 66.17M

| ├──509 【磨耳朵】Dad‘s Run (1) 绘本有声剧.mp4 21.44M

| ├──510 【磨耳朵】Dad‘s Run (2) 绘本有声剧.mp4 22.40M

| ├──511 【磨耳朵】Dad‘s Run (3) 绘本有声剧.mp4 17.72M

| ├──512 【正课】Drawing Adventure(1)双语讲解.mp4 70.58M

| ├──513 【正课】Drawing Adventure(2)双语讲解.mp4 85.26M

| ├──514 【正课】Drawing Adventure(3)双语讲解.mp4 65.48M

| ├──515 【磨耳朵】Drawing Adventure(1)绘本有声剧.mp4 20.81M

| ├──516 【磨耳朵】Drawing Adventure(2)绘本有声剧.mp4 23.45M

| ├──517 【磨耳朵】Drawing Adventure(3)绘本有声剧.mp4 20.96M

| ├──518 【正课】Kipper and the Trolls(1)双语讲解.mp4 79.40M

| ├──519 【正课】Kipper and the Trolls(2)双语讲解.mp4 83.39M

| └──520 【正课】Kipper and the Trolls(3)双语讲解.mp4 80.95M

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